Salary and Allowances for PnP Junior Secondary School Teachers

Permanent and pensionable Junior Secondary School (JSS) teachers in Kenya are remunerated based on the salary structure set by the Teachers Service Commission (TSC).

The pay for these teachers varies according to their job group, years of experience, and qualifications. For JSS teachers, many fall under the job group C1, with some in C2 and C3, depending on promotions and qualifications.

Basic Salary:

The basic salary for JSS teachers in Job Group C1 typically ranges between Ksh 27,195 and Ksh 33,994 per month. Teachers in C2 earn between Ksh 34,955 and Ksh 43,694, while those in C3 earn between Ksh 43,154 and Ksh 53,943.

These figures are subject to periodic revisions under Collective Bargaining Agreements (CBAs) between TSC and teachers’ unions, such as the Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) and the Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET).


Apart from the basic salary, teachers receive various allowances to supplement their income. Some of the key allowances include:

1. House Allowance: The house allowance varies based on the teacher’s work location. Teachers in Nairobi receive the highest house allowance, which can be as high as Ksh 16,500, while those in rural areas receive lower rates, typically around Ksh 4,000 to Ksh 7,500.

2. Commuter Allowance: This allowance is meant to cater to the teacher’s travel needs. It ranges from Ksh 4,000 to Ksh 8,000 depending on the teacher’s job group.

3. Medical Allowance: Teachers are covered under the TSC medical scheme provided by Minet, which covers outpatient, inpatient, dental, and optical needs. The coverage depends on the job group and family size.

These allowances and salary revisions are part of efforts to improve teachers’ welfare, ensuring that they have a stable income to meet their needs and those of their families while encouraging professional growth within the teaching profession.


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