TSC to Hire 26000 Interns on Permanent and Pensionable Terms in July

TSC to Hire 26000 Interns on Permanent and Pensionable Terms in July

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has expressed good news to 26,000 interns who were hired in 2023 to attend junior secondary school learners.

TSC had employed the first batch of 26,000 junior secondary school teachers who were to be converted to permanent and Pensionable in 2025 as per the government and teachers service commission( TSC)

The JSS teachers hold demos, demanding to be hired on permanent and Pensionable terms

Julius Melly, the chair of the education committee on Monday, told the budget and appropriation committee that Sh 8.2 billion has been set for the process.

“The Teachers Service Commission should streamline the recruitment process to ensure that resources allocated to this function are utilised fully at the beginning of the next financial year,” Melly told the budget committee

According to Melly, the commission should convert the 26,000 interns to permanent and Pensionable starting from 1st July 2024, as indicated earlier.

“The commission should convert the 26,000 intern teachers to P and P terms beginning July 2024 and January 2025 as earlier indicated.”

JSS intern teachers had protested for not converted to permanent and Pensionable terms despite the court order, which ruled that the intern employment was unconstitutional.

The internship programme began in 2019 where the primary school teachers got a stipend of Sh 15,000 per month and Sh 20,000 for secondary school teachers.

The JSS interns teachers in demos argued that the money is too little and couldn’t satisfy the livehood demanding the rise in pay.

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