Revised TSC Salaries for Chief Principals – Grade D5-T Scale 15


The conversion of salaries for Chief Principals (Grade D5-T Scale 15) has been updated to reflect new basic salary scales for the periods beginning July 1, 2023, and July 1, 2024.

Chief Principals hold a critical leadership role in the Kenyan education system, responsible for overseeing the academic, administrative, and operational functions of schools. As the senior-most educational leaders in schools, their contribution to ensuring quality education and effective school management cannot be overstated.

These salary revisions are part of a broader strategy by the government to enhance the compensation packages for top-level educational leaders, in recognition of their pivotal roles.

The salary adjustments reveal a steady increase in basic pay across salary points, reflecting a commitment to keeping these positions competitive and ensuring that the leaders in these roles are fairly remunerated for their responsibilities.

The conversion ensures that Chief Principals remain motivated and financially supported, which is essential for the long-term success of the education system.

The revised salary scales for Chief Principals under Grade D5-T Scale 15 are as follows:

Salary Point Basic Salary (W.E.F 01.07.2023) Basic Salary (W.E.F 01.07.2024)
1 131,380 131,380
2 135,436 135,747
3 139,617 140,238
4 143,927 144,859
5 148,370 149,612
6 152,951 154,502
7 157,672 159,534
8 162,539

These adjustments are designed to provide Chief Principals with a competitive salary structure as they continue to lead schools and manage both academic and administrative challenges.

The salary increase for 2024 provides a consistent and reasonable upward trajectory across all salary points, ensuring that Chief Principals are adequately compensated for their leadership role, which is crucial in shaping the direction of the schools under their care.

The responsibilities of Chief Principals are substantial, including overseeing large teams of teachers and support staff, ensuring the smooth operation of educational programs, managing budgets, implementing policies, and maintaining a conducive learning environment.

Given the increasing demands placed on education leaders, the government’s decision to implement these salary increases aligns with efforts to improve the overall quality of education and retain skilled leadership in schools.

The 2024 salary increments reflect a growing recognition of the value placed on education leaders and their contribution to national development.

These adjustments are also expected to positively impact job satisfaction and retention rates among Chief Principals, thereby enhancing the effectiveness of school management and promoting the broader goals of Kenya’s education system.